New offering

Self-Platforming for writers, designers, & creatives


The Self-Platforming Toolkit for writers, designers, and creatives


Tools, prompts, and encouragement to write about your work more often, more successfully, on your own channels and platforms — no social media required!

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This is a toolkit that will grow over time. Buy once, access forever, including future updates!

Purchase today and you can immediately stream our live webinar recording from February 19, 2025.


This toolkit gives you tips, tools, and encouragement to help you share about your work more often on your own platforms and channels — independent of social media, employer blogs, and/or services run by wealthy dirtbags with shitty politics.

This is an opinionated experience.

On the writing side, I’m going to give you candid advice and practical tools to get you going and keep you going. Writing about your work does not have to be a complicated affair, does not require lengthy case studies with gorgeous screenshots, does not require that you be an expert in anything.

On the platforms and publishing side, I have reduced the number of options to get you past “analysis paralysis”.

In a sense, I will tell you what to do. You don’t have to do it my way, but me telling you what to do makes it easier for you to decide if you really want to do it or not. It gives you a starting point from which to seek further advice, or to research alternatives.

The guides and recommendations prioritize “small tech” — open tools, stuff made by small teams or indie developers, that sort of thing. I can’t know the politics of every startup or indie developer, and sometimes you have to bite the bullet and use Google, but in general I will strive to help you steer clear of “toxic tech” in your personal platform’s technology and services stack.

Things officially kicked off February 19 with our webinar, which has been recorded and serves as the initial core of this toolkit. I’ll be adding a handful of guides and tools ahead of the webinar, and I look forward to expanding this into a full toolkit in the fullness of time — at which point that introductory pricing goes away!

Who is this for?

This is for designers, writers, artists, makers, and other creatives who want to share about their work without relying on social media or the platform capitalists.

What does it cover?

If you want to ditch the social media hot take treadmill and write more thoughtfully about your work, you’ll need three things:

  • A process that leads to useful and interesting writing, reliably and relatively quickly.
  • A place to publish that is affordable, easy to configure, easy to maintain, and owned by you.
  • A pep talk to get you past procrastination, imposter syndrome, writer’s block, and other self-imposed obstacles that are keeping you from doing this.

Self-Platforming gives you that process, guides you in setting up your place, and provides the push you need with the kind of no-bullshit, down-to-Earth, I’ve-been-there pep talk about creative work that I’m known to provide.

What’s included?

With your purchase, you’ll have access to:

  • The February 19 workshop recording of Self-Platforming for Writers, Designers, and Creatives
    • 1 hour and 25 minutes of tools and tips, laughter and tears, pep talks and practical advice
    • Reflection exercises to help you find your fire, set goals, and prioritize topics to share about
    • My absolute BEST tip on writing that will help you turn any single moment in your work into something you can share
    • A 48-slide deck packed with tips and inspiration
    • Closed captions
    • A summary, top tips, and key quotes presented to help you reflect and review
  • A growing collection of guides and worksheets on topics that will help you write more and share more on your own channels
    • Guide: Getting a Domain Name
    • Guide: Notice Your Process
    • Guide: Email Newsletter Recommendations

What’s the fine print?

You’re purchasing an individual license. It cannot be transferred. If the product does not meet your expectations, write to tell us why and we can refund your purchase, minus processing fees.

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