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No. 41 | Seven items acquired on a trip to Washington, D.C.

Seven objects laid out together on a flat surface.

I took myself to D.C. in February, over my birthday. I’d never been. I had a client workshop in Maryland back in December and saw the Washington Monument at night out the back of a Lyft. And I thought, “You know what? I’ve never been to D.C.” So then I went.

I’m on a continual minimalism kick, but I still ended up acquiring some objects on my trip. These are they.

1. R. Buckminster Fuller Dymaxion Folding Globe

RBF is my dude. Of his many inventions is the Dymaxion map, which is a way of representing Earth that emphasizes how it’s actually a nearly-contiguous land mass. This magnetic model folds flat so it ships well. I’ve seen it in color before but not black-and-white, so I had to get this. I have not figured out the folds so it is currently flat against my magnetic white board at the office.

2. NPR Keychain

I visited my friend and former boss Dan at NPR and he was kind enough to give me a tour. The gift shop experience may have been the highlight of the trip. A hip-looking cashier asked: “Wait, you work here, don’t you?” as she rang me up. “Oh, sorry. You’ve just got that NPR look.” Heck yeah I do!

3. Uniqlo Airism Mesh Tank Top x2

Happened upon a small Uniqlo shop in Union Station, where I also dined twice at the Shake Shack. They weigh virtually nothing and are amazing for biking and running.

4. President and Mrs. Obama Portrait Unveiling Media Pass

I happened to be visiting while the new portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama were unveiled at the National Portrait Gallery. I was very excited and went down the day of the media event, but they were not yet available to the public. I found this pass in the coat room and claimed it as a consolation prize. I did get to see them the next day. Both are great but Michelle’s is better. The problem with Barack’s is that there’s a much more dramatic portrait of L.L. Cool J by the same artist in the same gallery and Barack looks kind of dorky in comparison.

5. Cigarette Vending Machine Linocut Art Print

This was $5 and is maybe the best five bucks I’ve ever spent. It’s really nice. I think this was in the American Art Museum. It’s by Mona Wu.

6. Hirshhorn Museum Magnet

I don’t know why I bought this. I don’t collect magnets. The Hirshorn was good but not mind-blowing. Yet here I am with this magnet. So it goes.

7. The Fast Guide to Architectural Form

A little book I picked up at the American Institute of Architects gift shop. I then promptly spilled coffee on it. Fun fact: it’s actually rather difficult to find the entrance to the AIA facility. Where the architects are. Architects.

Originally published as List No. 41 of the 7x77 newsletter project.

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