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No. 07 | Seven nice things I saw during my run

Here are seven nice things I saw during my run (and first 10k race) on Saturday:

A picture of Scott running in a ridiculous outfit. Thanks, Jess, for the photo.
  1. A dad-looking dude running in a t-shirt, khaki cargo shorts, and a George Costanza wallet in his back pocket. In 35° weather, no less! It was a nice contrast to the Northface-meets-Burning-Man aesthetic most other runners were sporting, myself included.
  2. A young boy cheering people on with a sign that originally read GO MOM GO but had been hastily modified to read GO MOMS GO.
  3. Three young girls cheering people on: one in a fried egg costume, one in a bacon costume, and one waving a sign that said GOOD MORNING. It was an out-and-back route and as far as I could tell all three danced continuously the entire time.
  4. Everyone clapping for the the first runner to pass all us slowpokes on their return route. Overheard nearby: “Holy shit *huff* that guy is *huff* fast.”
  5. Everyone whooping, clapping, seriously cheering for the first woman to pass us on the return route. She looked like an actor trying not to break on Saturday Night Live — seriousness competing with a huge and joyful grin.
  6. The free bananas in the finishers’ area. I love me a free banana.
  7. The finish line. Especially as they apparently set up the course incorrectly to be a bit longer than 10k! Thank you, body, for not giving up on me.
Originally published as List No. 07 of the 7x77 newsletter project.

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