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No. 09 | Seven things I like made by internet person Drew

1) The webcomic Toothpaste for Dinner

If you use the internet (and I happen to know that you do), you’ve probably seen some of Drew’s Toothpaste for Dinner comics. I have a few of his original illustrations framed in my office, including this one. The site just got redesigned with a nice simple presentation and now is a great time to jump in.

One panel comic with a black-and-white line drawing style. An adult man dressed like a teacher is speaking to a child with messy emo hair, saying "i've reviewed your college plan, and as your counselor, i don't think you could list 'being cool' as your backup school"
Toothpaste for Dinner comic from 1/29/11.

2) The novella Mad Drew: Beyond Coffeedome

If Drew had directed Office Space, and then wrote a novelization of it, Mad Drew: Beyond Coffeedome might be that book. Surreal. Silly. Right in the pocket for my sense of humor. Hard to find now. I treasure my copy.

3) The novel Veins

Most of the stuff Drew makes is soaked in surrealism, parody, or straight-up trolling. Veins is not. It’s raw, disturbing, engrossing, and good.

4) The Crudbump single Fuck You if You Don’t Like Christmas

Posting this video to social media every December is one of my holiday traditions.

5) Kicking ass on Twitter dot com

Follow this link in the next five minutes if you want an ass kicking.

6) The album The Floor is Made of Lava

One thing I find really inspiring about how Drew works is that whenever he has an idea for something he just makes up a name and does it. He’s done rap, techno, industrial, and pop. One of the first music things of his I came across was the album The Floor is Made of Lava. It sits in the same area of my memories as all-night LAN parties and Homestar Runner. Looks like its existence has mostly been scrubbed from the web, but one ne’er-do-well has posted a single track to YouTube.

7) The webcomic Married to the Sea

Married to the Sea is a daily comic he does with Natalie Dee that uses old-timey public domain images. I don’t check it regularly like TFD but it’s well worth a periodic dive through the archives.

Originally published as List No. 09 of the 7x77 newsletter project.

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