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Now What Workshops in Sioux Falls

Check-in for the workshops, day one.

Made my first trip out to Sioux Falls and to Now What Workshops last week to talk about writing tools with some lovely folks. I wasn’t able to stay as long as I’d have liked but I did get to sit in on Laura Creekmore’s morning workshop on content modeling. I sketched a few notes:

These quotes also caught my ear:

I write in spreadsheets because it forces me to structure things.


In a lot of cases, exposing our structure to users just confuses them.

The city was lovely. I explored quite a bit on foot, as I do, and stopped in to a few shops and restaurants. I like traditional main streets, with a density of shops and bars and a low-speed road with angled parking and lots of stop signs. Reminded me a bit of downtown Ames, and of Valley Junction in Des Moines (though hipper than both).

A view down main street in Sioux Falls.
Buffalo imagery everywhere.
Got a burger here. Just noticed the clock(?) is missing.
Now that’s a sign.

Sometimes I don’t really grasp where a place is until I’ve spent time there. Sioux Falls felt very familiar and homey. I overheard all kinds of conversations about Nebraska and Iowa and Minnesota, and there was Twins gear everywhere. In a certain sense it felt like a place I’d already been.

Thanks to Corey, Ashley, Karla, and everyone from Blend and the team and sponsors that made the event go. A+ would visit again.

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