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Self-Platforming for Writers, Designers, & Creatives

From the notebook: Maps and stories and journeys

Been developing a new workshop to help orient practitioners to all of the various tools available for being user-centered in their content strategy work. It’s been interesting and maddening at the same time. There’s a good deal of semantic diffusion across the various tools and methodologies. And many were blatantly misnamed to begin with. In practice, at the individual project level, it doesn’t matter what you call things. But all of the mish-mashed terms can make it hard to find the right thing in the first place.

It’s all confusing as hell so I’ve been making lots of little diagrams and putting things into tables to sort it out for myself so I can make some sort of sense of it for the attendees. Story and storytelling is not a regular part of my own design vocabulary (though in practice it’s not so different from many of my methods) so I’ve had to do the most learning on that front. Donna Lichaw’s book on storymapping has been excellent in that regard.

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