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“It” being everything

I’m going to break form and include an image this issue, which I almost never do. I wanted to share this photo, and my gratitude, for the folks who showed up to participate in the “fun run” I led at Confab 2022 this year. Lookit these hot doggers! As I told some folks in the … continue

Ancient as Egypt and dumb as a baby

This essay originally appeared in Issue 085 of the UX Writing Events newsletter on May 9, 2022. Holy fucking shit do I feel old. I’m back in Minneapolis, visiting, after a year away and three-ish years after the pandemic started. That’s around when I got laid off from Brain Traffic, and also stopped being able … continue

Conference diary: Confab 2018

Holy shit. So was that a conference or was that a conference? I’m still reeling from the end of Confab 2018, a (the) content strategy conference held annually here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My employer, Brain Traffic, produces the event. My primary contribution leading up to Confab is to interject unasked-for advice into conversations I overhear … continue

From the notebook: Maps and stories and journeys

Been developing a new workshop to help orient practitioners to all of the various tools available for being user-centered in their content strategy work. It’s been interesting and maddening at the same time. There’s a good deal of semantic diffusion across the various tools and methodologies. And many were blatantly misnamed to begin with. In … continue

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