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No. 59 | Seven reasons I’ve stopped a writing session

Extended focus is … not in my strengths column, let’s say.

Here are seven of the more common excuses I’ve used to stop writing when I really really really should have still been writing:

  1. Because the coffeeshop table isn’t perfectly flat so my keyboard was wobbly and UGH.
  2. Because I took a long shit and forgot that I’d been writing.
  3. Because I got hungry … or, well, more “became aware that I was not currently eating something”.
  4. Because I idly wondered “Who played guitar on this?” and opened Wikipedia and then it was all over.
  5. Because something, somewhere in my apartment isn’t clean and even though it hasn’t bothered me for the past four months I must clearly deal with it right now.
  6. Because the coffee shop Pandora station is based on Imagine Dragons.
  7. Because my writing was so boring I put myself to sleep.
    Originally published as List No. 59 of the 7x77 newsletter project.

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