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Self-Platforming for Writers, Designers, & Creatives

Dear User at Prime Academy

My friend Ange invited me back to share my talk about designing friendlier interfaces with the UX and engineering cohorts at Prime Academy last week. Their new space downtown is really cool. I meant to take pictures, but despite arriving 25 minutes early I got lost in the building itself and spilled in out of … continue

The Website of Theseus

A ship is more than the wood it’s made of, and a website is more than code, content, and design. It’s the ownership, policies, history, even the culture of the organization that publishes it.

Just delete me, please

This is such a desperate look. If an ex-boyfriend did this you’d be embarrassed for them. If I haven’t used your app in over a year the next email I want to get is about how you’re proactively initiating a process of deleting my account and purging all data in order to protect my privacy … continue

Ting follower numbers in navigation

This is on the main nav of the Ting website. I like how the follower numbers are displayed — it’s a nice way of adding a wee bit of persuasive rhetoric to a limited space. It doesn’t just say “please follow us” but rather “Join the 123,000+ other people that have already decided to follow … continue

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