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Self-Platforming for Writers, Designers, & Creatives

Shut up, you

Been using the app Streaks for close to a year. I know this because I borrowed the idea for a “Don’t Die” habit from @hotdogsladies, and that one is closing in on 365. Habit tracking is about building habits, right? Obviously. You want to read more, so you make “Read for 5 Minutes” a habit, … continue

Unambiguously mine

My book is in print now. Available in print, anyway. Print on demand. I have a printed copy. (I don’t want to get “you wrote a text”-ed about my book and its relationship to paper. But I digress.) I did not know this was going to happen when I agreed to write for the Briefs … continue

Showing up in Seattle

Just back from Interaction 19, a big design conference held in Seattle this year. I gave my How to Get the Writing Done talk on Thursday in the Cinerama, a lovely theatre space with an intimidatingly-large screen. I almost didn’t go. Thought about canceling when Mom died in December. I didn’t know what kind of … continue

The machine knows what we fear

Do you ever have that thing where you hear or say a word while you’re typing and you accidentally type that exact word? That happened to me on Facebook the other day. Can’t remember what I was trying to search for but I heard the word “photos” and typed that in instead. The suggestions for … continue

A good little start

Gratitude journals seem to work wonders for folks. It’s not quite my bag but I am always trying to notice, to at least tell myself in the moment: this is good. Today? Now? My day is off to a good little start, and I am grateful. It’s above zero and the sun is shining, which … continue

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