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the blog

I have blogged intermittently since the mid 90s. Thankfully, much of the early teenage angst is lost to time. This collects my writings from this site, an earlier personal website, and some newsletter projects over the years, in mostly chronological order. I also publish new writing here. I publish somewhat more formal writing about content strategy and design careers at Content Career Accelerator.

Steady on

Damn the calendar. I don’t have the energy to set goals right now. Not big ones. Not new ones. Nobody asked me if I was ready for a new decade. I’m not, damn it — give a guy a minute.

The Dr. Manhattan of consumer goods

I’m thinking about buying a camera. And by thinking about it, what I mean is: I am the Dr. Manhattan of consumer goods, simultaneously experiencing: the future where I have bought the camera, the further future where I have stopped using the camera and am thinking about selling it, the even-further future where I am … continue

Accordion gestures

My main fitness goal is to not fall into a debilitating depression. Which is not exactly a storyline that would get you cast on a reality TV fitness show.1 The meat machine that is my body shares this goal and has recently — and not unreasonably — demanded more activity. It controls the bulk of … continue

Bat Phone agreement

A request: if your app is in the “Productivity” category, do not send me bullshit. For instance: I like Dropbox. I like Trello. It’s great that they work together. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THAT NOW. I want a Bat Phone agreement with my apps: if the phone is ringing, the commissioner needs my … continue

Press and hold

I was having trouble with my internet service the other day. At one point the technician, Sanchez, had me press and hold the router’s reset button for 15 seconds. Fifteen Mississippi! He made it clear: it’s not enough to press the reset button. You have to hold it in. A metaphor for vacation if I’ve … continue

Musical Scrapbook: 2019

I started a thing last year where I add songs that are resonating for me — for whatever reason — to a playlist named for the year. Hence: My 2018 Playlist. I kept it up through 2019, with a bit more gusto, so I’ve got an even bigger list this year. With a bit of … continue

Being the thing

Recently finished reading Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. I probably should have read it before I wrote a book about writing? But I’m happy to report it didn’t leave me second-guessing my guidance in Writing for Designers. Just envious of King’s prose and storytelling skills. Like many books on creative practices, … continue


I feel that the word “Enjoy!” should not be used as a command. If you can follow something with “or else!” it doesn’t come across as that friendly. I’m still enjoying The Allusionist podcast about language, and had a great time a few weeks back at the stylish Parkway Theatre in Minneapolis to see No … continue

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