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the blog

I have blogged intermittently since the mid 90s. Thankfully, much of the early teenage angst is lost to time. This collects my writings from this site, an earlier personal website, and some newsletter projects over the years, in mostly chronological order. I also publish new writing here. I publish somewhat more formal writing about content strategy and design careers at Content Career Accelerator.

The Great Flattening

Things aren’t so bad in Minnesota as in other places, for which I’m grateful. I’m home, mostly, unless I’m going to the store or my girlfriend’s apartment, by foot or by bike, playing Frogger all the way trying to dodge other humans. Our respective offices went work-from-home only a week or so before the orders … continue

Zero Minus Plus

Lotta information to process these days. I’ve read more bits of scientific papers in the past few weeks than ever before. Doesn’t mean I know anything, though. I’ve stopped sharing what I think I’ve learned even with people close to me, at least until I hear it from multiple real experts. At least twice now … continue

I am absolutely certain I did the thing I did not do

Went out to an event a few weekends ago, but did not actually get to attend the event, because I did not purchase tickets to the event and it was sold out when we got there. I was absolutely certain I had purchased the tickets. I remember looking at the site, I remember filling out … continue

No. 72 | Seven habits I formed the hard way

Some habits come easier than others. I’m still working on “go to bed before midnight because you wake up at 6am no matter what, dummy”, but life is about the journey, you know?

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